I couldn’t be better/ never been better.
当你感觉特别积极的时候,你可以这样回应:“I couldn’t be better/never been better.”,这表明你真的感觉很好。“Life has been treating you well and you are loving it.”生活再好不过了。
“You may or may not actually feel that way, but it still shows that you have a rather positive outlook on life.”
Just the same old,same old.
“Just the same old, same old”。
当我上大学的时候,我经常发现自己对别人说,“Oh, I’m good. Still in school, studying a lot. Still working. Still dating this guy. Still not sleeping enough…”
如果有人问我: “Hey, what’s new with you?”,我只是说:“Just the same old, same old”。
“same old”的意思是,自从你上次和那个人谈话以来,没有什么变化。
Well everyone, that concludes today’s episode. After this week and last, you now have some new and creative ways to both inquire about someone’s life, and how to answer when someone inquires about yours.